by Jared Cummans
Nick Barisheff is President and CEO of Bullion Management Group Inc.,
a bullion investment company that provides investors with a
cost-effective, convenient way to purchase and store physical bullion.
Recognized worldwide as a bullion expert, Barisheff is an author,
speaker and financial commentator on bullion and current market trends.
His upcoming book, $10,000 Gold: Why Gold's Inevitable Rise is the Investor's Safe Haven,
will be published by John Wiley & Sons later this year. The BMG
BullionBars program provides a secure, cost-effective and transparent
way to purchase and hold individual Good Delivery gold, silver and
platinum bullion bars.
We recently had the opportunity to talk
with Mr. Barisheff about his bold predictions for gold and his reasoning
behind said predictions.
Commodity HQ (cHQ): Why do you think gold is going to $10,000/ounce?
Nick Barisheff (NB):
Right now the world is focused on eurozone debt and the mathematical
impossibility of Germany being able to rescue southern countries, not to
mention the highly leveraged German banks that have helped finance
their debt bubble. But the bigger story is the USA, where the debt
including unfunded entitlement programs is in excess of $120 trillion.
There are three ways out:
- Cut Spending: The U.S. government stops spending and printing money it doesn't have, and the world's largest economy goes into freefall as is happening right now in Greece, Spain and Italy.
- Raise Taxes: With the economies worldwide hovering on the edge of recession and high unemployment rates, raising taxes will further weaken the economy.
- Print more money: The government, via the U.S. Fed, accelerates its money-printing, and the U.S. dollar continues to devalue. This doesn't actually cause gold to go up, but fiat currency to go down against gold, the world's real money.
cHQ: Can you give a timeline for when you think the precious metal will hit these prices?
Five years seems reasonable. It could be sooner if any number of Black
Swan scenarios unfold. The fact is that the world's largest economies,
governments, and banking institutions have never carried more debt,
leverage, and associated risk. Not to mention corruption. What we're
seeing in our BMG BullionBars business is that the world's 1% are
becoming fearful. They are coming to us to purchase and store allocated,
insured bullion in multiple vaults around the globe because they simply
can't predict any region's financial stability.
Obviously we are a commodity website so we cover gold quite often, but
you feel that gold should not be considered a commodity, why is that?
While there are industrial uses for gold, it has held up through 5,000
years of countless failed fiat currency regimes as real money. And
gold's role as money is on the rise versus on the wane. Last month the
FDIC proposed to make rule changes and allow gold bullion to be
recognized as a Tier 1 asset class with zero percent risk weighting.
Even the Bank of International Settlements (BIS), which is the central
bank for central banks, is considering reclassifying gold as a risk-free
asset as part of the Basel III framework.
In the 2008 financial
crisis, large institutional funds and banks were forced to sell gold
because it was a Tier 2 asset worth only 50% of its true value on the
balance sheet. European bankers have already proclaimed that gold will
once again be considered as financial collateral for any/all sovereign
eurozone debts. As a planned Tier 1 asset, funds and financial
institutions are compelled both to purchase and hold gold. Central banks
around the world are ahead of the curve on this, having reversed years
of selling their gold reserves. Countries like China have openly
declared aggressive targets to add to their gold reserves. Sensibly,
gold is again taking its rightful place as the ultimate store of value.
cHQ: You have a book coming out entitled "$10,000 Gold: Why Gold's Inevitable Rise is the Investor's Safe Haven" What can you tell us about that?
The book, which is being published by John Wiley & Sons, is now
available for pre-order on In the face of continuing market
turbulence, $10,000 Gold shows readers that they can have a positive
financial future regardless of how Wall Street or debt-laden central
banks and governments perform. 5,000 years of economic history
demonstrate that gold is the ultimate safe haven in times of
uncertainty. Yet the book points out that gold is virtually absent in
the large financial portfolios of global pension funds and insurance
companies responsible for trillions of dollars' worth of the world's
financial assets – making it even more important for individual retail
investors to include gold in a future-proof financial plan.
cHQ: Anything else you would like to mention or add?
Most investors confuse money and currency, but they are not the same
thing. Money is defined as a medium of exchange, a unit of account and a
store of value. For centuries, money referred to coins made of rare
metals (gold and silver) with intrinsic value, and to notes backed by
precious metals.
Currency, while it is a medium of exchange and a unit of account, is not
a store of value. It only derives its value by arbitrary fiat –
government decree and hence the term "fiat currency". Paper banknotes
represent money but they are not money. They are simply promissory notes
whose long-term "value" or purchasing power depends entirely on the
fiscal and monetary discipline of the government that issued them.
therein lies the problem. In today's era of massive fiat currency
expansion by profligate governments across the globe, currencies are
depreciating in value at faster rates than ever before. Fortunately for
precious metals investors, gold and other precious metals have risen in
value, both in purchasing power and in exchange rate. Precious metals
will continue to rise in value against all currencies because they have
once again resumed their historical role as stores of value: money.
Disclosure: No positions at time of writing.
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