Wednesday, 28 November 2012

Emas Meningkat ke $2,000 seauns Kesan Daripada Pencetakan Wang, kata Deutsche Bank

Emas Meningkat ke $2,000 Kesan Daripada Pencetakan Wang, kata Deutsche Bank
Emas berkemungkinan akan meningkat ke suatu paras rekod melebihi $2,000 seauns pada tahun hadapan ekoran tindakan bank-bank pusat meningkatkan rangsangan bagi mengekalkan pemulihan, menurut Raymond Key dari Deutsche Bank.
“Kita meletakkan sasaran $2,000 tetapi kita boleh pergi lebih dari itu”, Key ketika dipetik dalam salah satu wawancara beliau di Hong Kong di mana beliau hadir untuk persidangan tahunan LBMA di situ. “Itu berdasarkan pandangan bahawa mereka akan terus mencetak wang”
Emas dalam perjalanan untuk menuju kenaikan tahunan bagi 12 tahun berturut-turut ekoran kebimbangan daripada rangsangan yang dilakukan oleh kerajaan-kerajaan dan bank-bank pusat seluruh dunia bagi mengelakkan kemelesetan ekonomi global dan dalam masa yang sama cuba membanteras kejatuhan ekonomi Eropah. Sungguhpun begitu, tindakan mereka cuma hanya menjatuhkan lagi nilai matawang di samping meningkatkan kadar inflasi.
Pegangan dana dagangan bursa yang bersandarkan pada emas atau ETF berkembang  dengan terbesar yang pernah direkodkan pada minggu lepas.
“Di antara semua logam berharga, emas akan jadi yang terbaik,” kata Jeremy East, ketua global dagangan logam dan produk inventori berstruktur di Standard Charterd Plc dalam wawancara beliau pada 12 November. “Penggerak emas terbesar adalah merupakan ETF.”
Emas bagi penghantaran segera, yang meningkat kepada rekod $1,921.15 seauns pada 6 September 2011, diniagakan di paras $1,726.55 pada jam 9:28 pagi waktu Malaysia, 10 peratus lebih tinggi berbanding awal tahun ini. Emas menokok 70 peratus berbanding Disember 2008 sehingga Jun 2011 disebabkan Rizab Persekutuan AS membeli $2.3 trilion hutang dalam dua pusingan pelonggaran kuantitatif (quantitative easing).

Jamie Sokalsky, CEO Barrick Gold Corp
“Kami masih berusaha bagi mendapatkan lebihan perlombongan seperti yang pernah diperolehi pada masa lalu,” kata Jamie Sokalsky, CEO Barrick Gold Corp iaitu pengeluar emas terbesar dunia. “Ini perlu mengambil masa dan dasar monetari yang mudah juga perlu wujud untuk beberapa ketika lagi.”

Negara - Negara yang Berhutang
Rizab Persekutuan berkata pada 24 Oktober bahawa mereka akan membeli $40 bilion hutang gadai janji (mortgage) sebulan dan mungkin mengekalkan kadar faedah kepada hampir sifar sehingga 2015 untuk mempertingkatkan pertumbuhan ekonomi dan mengurangkan kadar pengangguran. 'Bank of Japan' memperluaskan pembelian aset pada 30 Oktober untuk kali kedua dalam tempoh 2 bulan dan Bank Pusat Eropah telah berkata ia bersedia membeli bon negara-negara yang berhutang.

LBMA Conference 2012 yang diadakan di Hong Kong
Hadirin pada acara persidangan tahunan LBMA selama dua hari yang berakhir semalam, menjadi kurang yakin tentang prospek emas untuk diniagakan sepanjang persidangan itu. Mengikut purata respon dalam kaji selidik perwakilan semalam, emas mungkin akan meningkat kepada $1,849 menjelang September. Ia merupakan penurunan berbanding kaji selidik pada 12 November yang menjangkakan emas akan meningkat kepada $1,914.
Emas merosot ke paras minggu kesembilan terendah iaitu $1,672.75 pada 5 November berikutan hasil pembentangan data pekerjaan lebih baik daripada apa yang diramalkan dan juga nilai dolar yang mengukuh.

Semakin Matang
“Pandangan yang cukup positif untuk emas tetapi orang ramai tidak boleh mengharap terlalu banyak, kita berurusan dengan asasnya yang sangat panjag,” kata Key dari Deustche Bank merujuk kepada pertaruhan ke atas keuntungan lebih lanjut. “Peningkatan ini menjadi semakin matang.”

Aliran ke ETF mungkin akan berjumlah 200 metrik tan tahun ini berbanding 175 metrik tan pada 2011, Barclays Plc berkata dalam laporannya bertarikh 8 November. Ia merupakan 4.6% daripada jumlah bekalan fizikal sebanyak 4.323 tan pada tahun ini. Menurut Bloomberg, pengiraan berdasarkan angka Barclays.
 Data dari Tabung Kewangan Antarabangsa (IMF) menunjukkan Brazil, Korea Selatan dan Rusia adalah antara negara-negara yang menambah rizab emas mereka tahun ini.
Pada 11 November, Ashish Bhatia, pengurus hal ehwal kerajaan dari World Gold Council berkata negara-negara membeli 254.2 tan emas pada separuh pertama 2012 dan pegangan melebihi pada kadar 456 tan iaitu yang ditambah pada 2011.
“Dengan bank-bank pusat terus membeli emas di seluruh dunia dan dengan persekitaran makroekonomi yang masih ada, permintaan kekal sebagai sangat kuat.” kata Sokalsky, CEO Barrick.
Sumber: Bloomberg

  1. Harga emas akan terus dijangka meningkat untuk tempoh yang mendatang. Semakin lama, kalau kita tak beli dari sekarang kita akan rasa emas makin mahal dan sentiasa mahal. Jadi mula membeli dari sekarang
  2. Bank-bank pusat di seluruh dunia terus-menerus membeli emas sebagai rizab mereka. Satu perkara yang menarik, tidak ada satu negara di dunia inipun yang menggunakan emas sebagai matawang. Setiap negara ada matawang mereka sendiri tetapi mereka tetap menyimpan emas sebagi rizab. Agak-agaknya kenapa?
  3. Kesedaran orang ramai tetang kepentingan emas semakin meningkat saban hari. Emas fizikal dilihat sebagai simpanan dan pelaburan yang baik kerana harga emas terus meningkat. Pelaburan emas dengan PUBLIC GOLD dilihat sebagai antara yang terbaik buat pelabur kerana dengan susut nilai yang jauh lebih kecik dari kedai emas, pelabur akan untung lebih cepat asbab kenaikan harga emas. Hubungi saya SEKARANG dansaya akan bantu anda.

Tuesday, 27 November 2012

Silver For The Pawn Star Masses

Kisah seorang pelabur yang membeli jongkong dan siling Perak (Silver) sebanyak 3,000 auns dengan harga USD12,860.00 pada tahun 2000 dan menjualnya semula pada tahun 2012 dengan nilai semasa sebanyak USD111,000.00 iaitu keuntungan sebanyak USD98,140.00 atau USD8,000.00 setahun!!! 

Monday, 19 November 2012

Investing in Physical Gold: Is It Worth the Cost?

Never discuss physical gold vs. gold funds without a first aid kit. Or an ambulance on standby. I asked about it once…I mean once as in apassing whisper of a question…and I am lucky to be alive. US Marines see less conflict on a bad day in Baghdad. This topic is contentious: Some gold investors treat it as a religion, and claim not having physical gold is heresy. Their detractors suggest that paranoia is a sad, costly disease. Who’s right? You decide:

Gold bars
We have these! Now we’re safe from nuclear war, viral outbreaks, and lack of food and water.

Physical Gold vs. Gold Funds

There are many different ways to invest in gold. The oldest and most direct method is, of course, to buy the gold and keep it somewhere.
Over time, this has started to fall out of favour. Not least because stuffing your mattress with gold full on sucks. Some investors think there’s no need for physical gold; they just needed gold exchange traded funds (ETFs) or gold related equities.
Depending on how you choose to invest in gold, you get different advantages. Let’s start with the pros of buying physical gold:

1. Tangible Assets Are Safest

Neon signs with guns and gold next to each other
On the upside, we DO know where he got the gun to rob us with.

As a tangible asset, physical gold is considered to be safer than “paper” gold. An avid proponent of this is investor James Leong, who has up to 10% of his investments in physical gold:
Gold mining equities are very risky compared to physical gold,” James says, “Because you are dealing with a company, not a commodity. Sometimes, the country where the mine operates might experience new regulations, such as a raise in corporate taxes, or even government seizures. This will cause the stock value to fall.”
Come on. How often does that happen?
Just last year (2011) a Canadian gold mining company, Crystallex, launched a $3 billion case against Venezuela for nationalizing its mining assets. The stock plunged almost overnight.”
Oh. Well what about gold ETFs?
The risk with gold ETFs is a fraud risk. There is no guarantee that the fund has the gold it claims to have. There have been rumours of plated tungsten being passed off as gold. And if gold is ever seized by a government, the ETFs will not be spared.”

2. Gold Depletion

Marina Bay Sands
Did you need gold diggers? Just wait here till Friday evening.

How much gold is there on Earth? The only answer is “Never enough”.
No gold mine is inexhaustible. Once a gold mine is spent, the mining company’s stock will fall,”James says, “Even if there is a chance of getting more gold, the company has to dig deeper, survey new sites, and buy new equipment. All of this affects the stock price.”
On the upside, James says gold ETFs are free from this risk. This is because: “With an ETF, the fund owns gold bouillon and issues shares against it. So the only fears are fraud and seizure. But even with this additional security, you can see that owning physical gold is the safest.”

3. No Exchange Risk

ETFs and gold mining equities are subject to exchange risks. That is, the chances of disruption in the event of stock market closures.
The stock market can be closed due to hacking, government intervention, or bomb threats,” says James, “and this can disrupt the liquidity of gold based equities.”
James also points out that ETFs are subject to the honesty of auditors and agents. This risk is “true of all equities, including gold-based equities.”

4. Anonymity

Blurred Figure
You’ll never know that I, Ryan, am responsible.

If you are a professional loanshark If you need anonymity, physical gold is the way to go. James mentions that physical gold leaves a smaller “footprint”.
Just imagine if your portfolio has a “clear history” option, and you have it permanently selected. That’s what trading in physical gold can do: You can deal directly with goldsmiths, pawnbrokers, or…interested individuals. Transaction history will be minimal, compared to stocks.
Caveat: The closest I’ve been to any sort of laundering is a free Dynamo sample. I am not encouraging any sort of criminal activity.
Now let’s talk about the cons of buying physical gold:

1. Transaction Costs

Golden Mercedes
Do I include his PARF rebate?

Gold comes with high transaction costs. That’s what happens when you need to hire an armoured truck, power loaders, and a no-neck guard named “Olga” who bench presses planets. That’s what it takes to move a precious metals from point A to point B.
The cost of transporting gold is compounded by countless agents, management fees, and auditors. A gold investor I spoke to, who only wanted to be known as Paul, says:
If you want to buy gold, buy gold ETFs. The transaction fees for owning actual gold are insanely high. They vary, but if you’re not a big investor dealing with millions, they aren’t going to waive any fees for you”. 

2. High Insurance Cost

Paul says that:
Gold can be stolen, melted down, physically concealed. It is an asset that can be taken and fenced (fenced = sold illegally – Ed.) So keeping physical gold means you need to buy insurance for it. And insurers will charge high premiums.
Also, if you are so worried about government seizure, how can you insure your gold? Once you insure it, the government knows you have it. So you pay high insurance, and nullify your so-called safety against seizure.”

Giant blue safe
We can’t insure your gold. There’s a high chance someone could steal this.

In addition, Paul rolls his eyes at the suggestion of governments seizing gold. Especially in developed countries.
But if you do buy gold and are interested in the right insurance, follow us on Facebook. We’ll be asking some insurers about that soon.

3. Difficult to Sell

Most goldsmiths and pawnbrokers will appraise your gold for nothing. That’s also the profit you might make selling to them.
“Goldsmiths are honest about the market price,” Paul says, “but they will not make their purchase at that exact price. You can expect them to buy gold from you at a much lower rate. It depends on who you go to. But it will never be cheaper than just buying and selling via a gold ETF”.
Paul also points out that “paper” gold can be bought and sold in minutes. Physical gold needs to be carried around, appraised, and bargained over. When speed counts, paper gold wins.
Image Credits:

Would you prefer physical gold or “paper” gold? Comment and tell us why!
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